
We have been using scales to weigh objects and then putting them in order from lighest to heaviest. We have also used no standard ,measures […]

Dandelion drawings

We had a go at drawing dandelions, wildlfowers and plants in the schoool grounds. Yoi can have another go at drawing dandelions by watch this […]

Sports Day

We all had a great time at sports day as the sun shone, The children went around having a go a 8 different races that […]

Art in the Square, Saturday

Art in Poundbury have organised a paint or draw outdoors Art Event in Queen Mother Square for all ages on Saturday 22nd June from 10am – 5pm.  Find buildings, statues, […]

Positions and Space

In maths we have been learning about positions in a race, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th ready for the Olympics in Paris!We have also been […]

Picking Wildflower seeds

Below is a message from Miles of some areas at Poundbury Hillfort where you can pick other wildflower seeds. The best plants to collect seed […]