From Monday, Morning 11th to Sunday Evening 17th March we would like you to count your plastic that you throw away or recycle. This is part of a National Campaign that Greenpeace and Everyday plastics are running. The results will be part of a report that will go to the government to help reduce the amount of plastic that is being used. For example fruit and vegetables in plastic bags.

In 2022, nearly 250,000 people from schools, households and communities across the country made The Big Plastic Count the biggest ever investigation into UK household plastic waste. It showed that nearly 100 billion pieces of plastic are thrown away in the UK each year, with hardly any of it recycled. 

The rest is burned, sent abroad or ends up in landfill. We can’t recycle our way out of the plastic waste crisis. 

Use the tally sheet to help you keep count of your plastic throughout the week. Put it near your bin or on your fridge door.’s%20Count%20Tally%20Sheet%202024.pdf

Then record your resuslts by using our own link that will help us calculate our class plastic footprint. Results need to be recorded by 31st March

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