CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England) are holding their National Star Count from 17th – 24th February. Here is the link to sign up https://takeaction.cpre.org.uk/page/118799/data/1?ea.tracking.id=cpre-web
Nothing beats looking upwards to see blackness, with twinkling constellations as far as the eye can see.
Our buildings and roads emit light, though, and this can affect our view of truly dark skies, and cause problems for wildlife. We want to make sure that we can all enjoy starlit nights, and we need your help in measuring what effect light is having on our views of the galaxy.
The best way to see how many stars we can all see in the sky is … to count them!
Your results from Star Count will help CPRE make a map of where star-spotters are enjoying deep, dark skies. By showing on a map where light pollution is most serious, we can work with local councils and others to decide what to do about it.
Together, we can work towards rewilding our skies for the benefit of people and wildlife. Count how many stars you can see within Orion.
Choose a clear night between 17th – 24th Feb and then put your results on the CPRE National Star Count Website. Good Luck.